COVID-19 Coronavirus Resource Response Toolkit
The spread of COVID-19 novel coronavirus is not only causing infection, but also panic and fear.
In health care facilities and settings, frontline workers know only too well how challenging it is for patients and families to confront uncertain outcomes due to serious illness. The skills that hospice and palliative care clinicians use at the bedside—a calm presence, symptom management, skilled communication (e.g., listening, curiosity about what people are feeling, compassionate support for priority-setting)—are the same skills that all clinicians need now to support patients, families, and each other as we navigate this unprecedented global pandemic.
To help do our part, My Life My Choice is working to help you address COVID-19 issues by collecting best practices and tools demonstrating how health care professionals are responding to the crisis. We will continue to post new resources below as they become available.
Tools & Resources
South Carolina COVID-19 Results Directory
Health Sciences South Carolina: Request for Health Information Exchange Access
Resources from Respecting Choices®
Proactive Care Planning Conversations: For clinicians to have conversations with individuals at high risk for COVID-19 complications.
Proactive Care Planning Conversation with Health Care Agents: For clinicians to have conversations with the health care agent of individuals at high risk for COVID-19 complications.
Medical Priorities and Treatment Options: This tool is for use only in the context of a clinician-facilitated discussion about advance care planning (NOT to be used as a stand-alone piece).
Scheduling Proactive Care Planning for COVID-19: This is a tool to support any team members who may need to call to schedule time for a clinician to have a conversation with an individual at high risk for COVID-19 complications.
Scheduling Proactive Care Planning with Health Care Agents for COVID-19: This is a tool to support any team members who may need to call to schedule time for a clinician to have a conversation with the health care agent of an individual at high risk for COVID-19 complications.
Resources from Ariande Labs
With The Conversation Project: A consumer guide for Being Prepared in the Time of COVID-19
Communication Skills for COVID-19: Outpatient Goals of Care Conversations for High-Risk Patients
Communication Skills for COVID-19: ED Goals of Care Conversations for High-Risk Patients
Informed Assent1 Recommendation: When CPR/Intubation/Ventilator is Non-beneficial
Communication Skills for COVID-19: ICU Goals of Care Conversations When Patient is Dying Despite Trial of Critical Care
Framework for Rationing and Reducing Physician Moral Distress during the COVID19 Pandemic
Resources from Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC)
Pocket Card: COVID Symptom Management and Key Communication Phrases (.pptx)
Toolkit: COVID-19 Response Resources Hub
Palliative Care Referral Criteria: COVID-19 Context
Family Communication: How to talk to families and other loved ones about COVID-19
Symptom Management: COVID-19 Prescribing Guidance
Practical Guidance: Stepwise Protocols for Crisis Symptom Management
COVID-19 Virtual Office Hours (open to all)
Resources from National POLST
Resources from The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Age-Friendly Health Systems Design to Address COVID-19: Advice on how to limit the exposure of older adults to the coronavirus in various care settings
4Ms: Asking and Acting on What Matters During COVID-19 (guidance on how to ask older adults What Matters during COVID-19, particularly advance care planning)
Resources from National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)
COVID-19 and Supporting Black Communities at the End of Life
COVID-19 Shared Decision-Making Tool
COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness Resources
Resources from End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC)
UPDATED! Support for Nurses During COVID-19
Final Hours—Adapted for COVID-19 Crisis
Other Resources
NEW! NAACP: COVID. Know More. (COVID Guide)
The Conversation Project: Being Prepared in the Time of COVID-19
South Carolina Hospital Association: COVID-19 Clinical Resources (including information on advance care planning)
VitalTalk: COVID-Ready Communication Skills
Fraser Health (Canada): COVID-19 Serious Illness Conversation Tool for Clinicians
Journal of the American Medical Association: The Importance of Addressing Advance Care Planning and Decisions About Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders During Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
Oregon POLST: Information related to Coronavirus/COVID-19
University of Pittsburgh: Allocation of Scarce Critical Care Resources During a Public Health Emergency
University of Washington: Code Status Criteria
Oregon Health & Science University: Pocket Card to Honor Previously Determined POLST Orders
SAMHSA’s 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline