About the South Carolina Coalition for the Care of the Seriously Ill (SCCSI)
Our Mission
The South Carolina Coalition for the Care of the Seriously Ill (SCCSI) is a statewide coalition that brings key organizations, clinicians, and healthcare entities together to collaboratively redesign care, improve quality of life, and protect the ethical rights of the seriously, chronically, or terminally ill in South Carolina.
Member Page
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Our Purpose
The Coalition has the following strategic aims:
Healthcare Organization/Provider-Education and Communication
Enhance the knowledge and capabilities of healthcare practitioners as it relates to communication and shared-decision making in the care of the seriously, chronically, or terminally ill patients.
Patients/Community-Education and Awareness
Provide appropriate relationship-centered care for the seriously, chronically, or terminally ill persons across the continuum of care in all settings.
Provision of Appropriate Relationship-centered Care in all Settings
Increase the knowledge and awareness of patients, families, and the general community about shared-decision making, including the palliative care model, in the care of seriously, chronically, or terminally ill persons.
Policy/Advocacy-Legal & Regulatory
Advocate for the alignment of rules, regulations, legal requirements, and policies related to the care and decision-making processes for the care of seriously, chronically, or terminally ill persons.
Our Team
Marisette Hasan
Wilma Rice
Laurie Lybrand
Cindy Coker
Benjamin Thompson, MD
Our Members
The Coalition is comprised of the following organizations:
South Carolina Citizens Concerned for Life
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
South Carolina Healthcare Ethics Network
Volunteers with expertise in specific areas such as:
social work
Join us.
Would you or your organization be a good fit for SCCSI? Let us know!
We are always looking for new members and new ways to form partnerships in communities all across South Carolina.
Send us a message today and let us know you’d like to join SCCSI!