Embracing Future Health Planning Can Lead to Better Nursing Care With Fewer Unneeded Costs
For nursing home owners and operators, future health planning like having frank conversations about residents’ end-of-life intentions, and organizing the associated paperwork proactively, is...

Best Practice: Agape Foundation Shows How To Implement Advance Care Planning In Clinics Across S.C.
Agape Foundation's emerging best practice in how to implement advance care planning in clinics offers a framework for healthcare providers.

These Advance Care Planning Tools Will Make Talking About Death A Little Easier
Only 14% of patients with serious illnesses have advance care plans. These new advance care planning tools may help fix that.

My Life My Choices Trains Serious Illness Conversation Instructors
Studies show conversations where clinicians address goals of care for patients/families facing end-of-life issues are either not held or held too late. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Best Practice: Improving End-of-Life Health Care By Incentivizing Goals
MUSC Health sought to increase early referrals to palliative care in order to establish end-of-life goals. Here's what happened when they did.

Where Soul Meets Body
AnMed Health in Aderson, South Carolina is re-imagining their chaplaincy program to take Advanced Care Planning from the hospital into physician practices.

BlueCross BlueShield of S.C. Signals Sea Change By Expanding ‘Rewarding Excellence’ Program To Include ACP
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina recently released its 2020 Rewarding Excellence Program, which includes advance care planning for the first time.