National Healthcare Decisions Day 2.0 Is Here!
Today, July 16, is National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) 2.0.
This important day exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and health care providers about the importance of advance care planning.
No one could have predicted how 2020 would go, but this year we had the opportunity to keep the traditional April 16 NHDD date, but also to add a NHDD 2.0 as a result of the rescheduled 2020 Tax Day.
This year’s theme is "Lead by Example." And since 2020 clearly needs a do-over, we’re hoping you’ll join us in taking this opportunity and leading by example.
Here’s what you can do:
Make sure you have your own advance care plan! How recently has it been updated? Have you completed the ACP 3?
Reach out to your loved ones. Have they taken part in advance care planning for themselves?
Take our ACP Summer Pledge and help us make this the Summer of ACP!
Consider: What would or could you do differently for 2020 if you had the benefit of 20/20 hindsight? With respect to advance care planning, it's not too late.
If you're interested in a wonderful conversation to further educate yourself or to share the core concepts of NHDD with others, please listen to this very recent podcast in which NHDD founder Nathan Kottkamp is joined by Dan Morhaim, M.D.
Dr. Morhaim is an emergency physician who has seen more than his fair share of situations that would have benefited from some advance care planning, and he's a former long-time member of the Maryland House of Delegates, who was instrumental in obtaining formal recognition of NHDD in Maryland.
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