Study investigates making plans for future care – what do people with MS want, why, when, and how?
(Via Multiple Sclerosis Trust) Advance care planning, also known as anticipatory care planning, (ACP) is the process of thinking, having conversations about and recording the care you would like in the future if your health were to change.
There has been little research into the views of people with MS on advanced care planning and their experiences of having discussions with health professionals and family. This study was designed to get a better understanding of why, when, with whom, and how, people with MS and their families take part in discussions about ACP.
Researchers from the UK interviewed 27 people living with more advanced MS, 17 family members and 5 health professionals. Analysis of interviews identified three main topics: planning for an uncertain future; obstacles to taking part in discussions; and preferences for taking part in ACP. Read on…